#109: Puff, Puff, Pass: The Golden Rules of Cannabis Etiquette
#109: Puff, Puff, Pass: The Golden Rules of Cannabis Etiquette
Grace and manners are important in all aspects of life, and this applies even to the cannabis community. It's about more than just saying "please" and "thank you," it's about being considerate of others, fostering good vibes, and promoting a positive atmosphere.
The concept of etiquette has been around since ancient times, with societies creating rules and norms for proper behaviour. Ancient Egyptians, for example, had specific etiquette rules for climbing the social ladder. Another example is the Japanese tea ceremony, which is full of rituals and customs that guide behaviour.
As with many other social customs, cannabis culture has developed its own set of etiquette guidelines that have evolved over time. It's not about impressing others, but about being respectful and making the experience enjoyable for all. With that said, here are some essential stoner etiquette tips to keep in mind.
The pre-smoke checklist

Before you spark up, there are a few things you should consider. First and foremost, make sure you have permission to smoke wherever you are. This includes private residences, public parks, and even smoking lounges or dispensaries. Just because cannabis is legal in Canada, doesn't mean you can light up wherever you please.
Bring your share of weed, snacks, or drinks to contribute to the session. A good smoke sesh is a communal experience, and chipping in helps build a sense of camaraderie and goodwill. If you can't bring anything, offer to help out in some other way, like cleaning up afterwards.
If you're bringing any gear, make sure it's clean and in good condition. No one wants to smoke out of a dirty or broken pipe, so take the time to prepare beforehand. And if you're borrowing someone else's gear, treat it with care and respect.
Remember to be mindful of your surroundings and the people around you. If you're smoking in a public place, be respectful of those who may not want to smell or inhale secondhand smoke. If someone asks you to put out your joint or move to a different location, do so politely without causing a scene.
Dos and don’ts for the smoke circle

The classic rule of puff, puff, pass is a staple in stoner etiquette. The general rule is to take two hits and then pass the pre-roll, pipe, or bong to the next person. Basically, don't hog the weed and be considerate of others who may want to partake. Pass it to the left or right - it doesn't matter as long as everyone gets a turn.
If you're using a pipe or bowl, light only a corner of the bowl to conserve weed and avoid "cherrying" the entire bowl. Keep the mouthpiece clean and don't slobber all over it. And don't overpack the bowl, as it can be difficult to smoke and usually results in a lot of wasted weed.
Bogarting, or holding onto the joint or pipe for an extended period of time, is a big no-no. Not only does it go against the puff, puff, pass rule, but it also wastes weed and can make others feel awkward or left out.
Take a sense check of the vibe in the room and match the energy level of your fellow smokers. If everyone else is quiet and chill, don't be the one to start shouting and dancing around. But if the group is energetic and talkative, then feel free to join in and contribute to the conversation.
Finally, hydrate and snack accordingly. Smoking can cause dry mouth and the munchies, so be sure to have water and snacks on hand. And as a courtesy, always ask before helping yourself to someone else's stash.
Post-smoking courtesies

Now that you've had a good smoke sesh, it's important to clean up and leave the space in the same condition (or better) than how you found it. "Leave no trace" applies to stoner etiquette too.
Dispose of any trash, pack away any smoking accessories, and properly put out any remaining joints, pipes, or bongs. The last thing you want are complaints from neighbours or a mess left behind for someone else to clean up. Plus, it's just the polite thing to do.
To your host, it's always appreciated to offer some kind words or a small token of thanks for hosting the session. And if you had a great time, be sure to let your fellow smokers know and express your gratitude for their company. The community aspect of smoking is just as important as the act itself.
It goes without saying but driving under the influence is never okay. Have a plan to get home safely, whether it be a designated driver or a rideshare service. And if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe during a session, don't be afraid to speak up and leave. Your safety and well-being should always come first.
Pass it forward
The concept of etiquette may seem foreign to some when it comes to smoking, but it's just as important as any other social activity. Stoner etiquette is all about respect, generosity, and good vibes so be respectful of others' boundaries, share the love and keep the good times rolling. The cannabis community is a welcoming and inclusive space, so let's all do our part to keep it that way. Happy toking!
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